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Best workout programs on the web!

A few weeks ago I said to myself: well, if you want to fit all those nice summer clothes hanging in your closet, there is only one road to take. So I put myself together and started to work out again, after what seemed to be an eternity (1 year or so). Not that I have to lose a lot of weight, but the last few kilos are so difficult to get rid of.

belly fat

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Ever thought of jumping rope?

Hi there. I’m a big fan of short but intense workouts, which I can do wherever and whenever I want. It is far easier to motivate yourself for 20-30 minutes workout and you will more likely do it every day, since it doesn’t take so much time. Like I said before, the only rule is: YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT ALL in that short time, if not it won’t bring any results.


fitness, lean, body, training
To get fit you don’t need no fancy workout gear, no gym membership, no endless workout routine, no personal trainer. All you need is some time, your body, motivation and the commitment to give the best you can. Can you do that?

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Get fit for summer – Inspirational pics

 Instead of making you (and especially myself) feel bad about not exercising and eating unhealthy stuff all winter, I just put together some picture of women with awesome, lean bodies and some healthy food. Just to start with the psychological side of the whole issue! HOPE it helps!

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Smooth it

Hi there again. It has been a hard day and I’m totally exhausted. I’m not a big fruit eater, I almost never touch fruit in their original form. There is no wonder that on stressfull days like today my body is giving alarm signals and screaming for vitamins!









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